We are in difficult times. The news is bad, the outlook is not bright, and nothing is going our way! I could be talking about us today, but I’m really talking about the Israelites. The prophet Isaiah was trying to tell the people that they can change what the future will bring, that the Lord will teach them and help them learn from their experiences, He and will actually guide them through the trials.
Though he give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet he will be with you to teach you – with your own eyes you will see your Teacher. And if you leave God’s paths and go astray, you will hear a Voice behind you say, “No, this is the way; walk here.”
Isaiah 30:20-21
Today could be a tough day for some of us, but allow the Lord into your heart and listen for His direction. Be still and listen for His voice – He will guide you, He promised us that a long time ago. He always fulfills His promises.
So today, we thank You, Lord, for giving us Your promise to be with us as we walk through the trials of today. Lord, we are broken, we are desperate, we are hurting, we are lost and in a fog – allow us to hear Your voice “This is the way; walk here.” Take our hand and guide us, Father!