What a commitment that is. These words are from the devotional, My Utmost for His Highest, written by Oswald Chambers. He relates this commitment to the story of Abraham. The Lord had promised Abraham many descendants, and in his old age, he had a son, Isaac. Yet, he was called by the Lord to sacrifice his young son as an offering—this did not make sense, but Abraham did not hesitate. He took his son to the place of sacrifice:
At that moment the Angel of God shouted to him from heaven, “Abraham! Abraham!” “Yes, Lord!” he answered. “Lay down the knife, don’t hurt the lad in any way,” the Angel said, “for I know that God is first in your life—you have not withheld even your beloved son from me.” Then Abraham noticed a ram caught by its horns in a bush. So he took the ram and sacrificed it, instead of his son, as a burnt offering on the altar.
Genesis 22:11–13
I remember this story from Sunday school as a child. I couldn’t understand how a father would be willing to sacrifice his son. I still can’t! But He did. God will find a way to save us—at any cost, by any road! While we struggle to completely commit and abandon ourselves to Him, God has not hesitated to commit to us by sacrificing His only Son—so that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Today, Lord, we thank You for your commitment to us, even while we hang onto this world and hesitate turning ourselves over to You. We pray for strength today—for all those receiving this message, along with family and friends—so we all can take another step towards You and feel Your encouragement. Lord, put on our hearts to trust You and to commit to You, to put You first in our lives, like Abraham—at any cost, dear Lord, by any road!
Have a trusting day.