“There are moments when I wish I could roll back the clock and take all the sadness away, but I have the feeling that if I did, the joy would be gone as well.” – Nicholas Sparks


Diana, tired and stressed among moving messLiving in the in-between. You know those moments – or maybe even months or years – when everything feels chaotic and disrupted and, well, complicated. Upside down. As if you’re stuck in a never-ending whirlwind, tossed about like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. 

I can relate. Recently, Tim and I purchased a new home. Which meant yet another move for us (And there have been many through the years. I’m kind of an expert packer and mover!). Although it was a happy and positive change of scenery for us, it nonetheless left us both feeling quite in-between, physically and emotionally. Half of our belongings were at our old house, and half unpacked in the new home. The stress was tangible.


It was a roller coaster of navigating time for our businesses, our children and grandchildren, and even ourselves, somewhere in the messy middle. And it was exhausting on every level.


But in those moments, in the in-between, we still must find reasons to hope – despite the overwhelming outward circumstances that have left us distressed and unsettled. And we must hold on as the storm rolls through. 


beautiful sunset from the patio, after the messy middle and in-betweenAfter the storm that’s been our move,  I’m happy to say Tim and I are beautifully settled into our new home. For us, it was a challenging few months. As we transitioned, we did our best to maintain a sense of joy and purpose, knowing that in the end, the in-between time would be worth the temporary discomfort we had been feeling. Looking out my office window and listening to the birds happily chirping, I can tell you it was worth every moment spent in the in-between.


Remember, our God sends rainbows after the storm. So while your situation may seem bleak, and your messy middle may look like the end – hold on. Those little moments in between that make you smile are little God winks, telling you it will not be this way forever. And He has gone before you to make a way. 

“The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8


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Habits Woman with coffee and Bible

Habits change into character.  – Ovid

Whether we like it or not, our days are full of habits. They can be good habits … or they can be bad habits. Yes – we all have those, too. Some patterns are thought-out, and others come so instinctively they’re second nature to our daily routine. 

Take a minute and think about your morning routine. What’s the first thing you do when your feet hit the floor? Do you head to the bathroom and brush your teeth or make a line straight for the coffee maker to get the first cup of life-giving caffeine brewing? Whichever way you start the day – that’s a habit. 

What habits in your life would you like to change? 

According to Medical News Today, breaking a bad habit can take anywhere from 18-250 days.  That feels a little overwhelming. But here’s the good news: you don’t have to do it alone. When we set our hearts and mind on a positive change and allow God to help us do the work, we can create new and better habits for ourselves and our marriage. 

As we worked through Tim’s affair and the aftermath, our daily habits and mindsets toward each other needed to transform. Drastically! We could no longer take each other or our marriage for granted. Instead, we cultivated mindful and healthy habits that, over time, led to restoration and healing in our marriage. While it took very conscious action and effort from each of us, it was worth any number of days to break the old habits and develop new patterns that would lead us to a much higher level of satisfaction and contentment in our marriage.

As you look at your daily habits and patterns, take the time (no matter how many days!) to embrace and take steps toward the habit changes you need to make. Romans 12:2 tells us to not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind. 

Do you tend to be impatient with your spouse? Start a habit of slowing down and practicing pause and patience. Has anger caused distance in your marriage? Take a moment and breathe before responding to your spouse. With time, practice, and effort – habits can change.

Allow God to shift your habits and patterns, and your mindset (renewing of our minds) toward those habits. Then resolve to make the change. Your spouse and your marriage will thank you for it.

Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.


Jehovah Rapha. He is the Lord who heals.


When you are in a season of unknowns, a season of pain, where do you look for help? As we are walking a difficult journey, we can become so intently focused on our healing that we forget about our Healer. Instead, we focus on the wilderness and the seemingly endless trek back to wholeness.

While leaning into your healing journey is crucial, it’s vital to your path to seek the Healer – Jehovah Rapha, the One who heals. 

Psalm 147:3 tells us, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” This verse shows that He will heal you wholly, from your broken heart and spirit all the way to physical wounds. He is the God of complete healing, and He wants to pull you out of the pain, restore you, and refresh your weary soul.

How long has it been since you’ve felt His peace wash over you, bringing comfort and love and quenching your spirit?

The Bible reminds us over and over of His faithfulness, love, and healing – for you:


“The Lord gives sight to the blind, the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous.”

Psalms 146:8


He will lift your head, heart, and spirit as you seek healing.


“This what the Lord, the God of your father David, says: ‘I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you.'”

2 Kings 20:5


He sees you, and He knows the depth of your pain. This verse is a promise of His healing!


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28


You don’t have to strive. You only need to go to Him, and He will give you rest (in your heart, mind, and body). 


As you travel the path of your healing process, you can lean into these verses for peace and comfort. But more importantly – trust in the Healer. There you’ll find quiet and calm for your worn-out soul.


I have thought about starting to write as a blogger. Then I questioned myself: am I a blogger?

First, I needed to find out what a blogger actually is. I did some research, and one definition I found said: “A blog is a website where someone regularly records their thoughts or experiences and stories.” Okay, with that definition, I guess I could call myself a blogger. After all, I have a website, I post on several Facebook pages, I’m an author, and I do write about my thoughts and experiences—as random as they may be.

Now what do I do? So many questions and so many unknowns. How often do I need to write a blog? Will others be interested in what I have to say? My thoughts? My experiences? My stories? Will someone really read my blogs? How do I know that they read them? What if they do not like what I write? Will I have haters?

Now it is time to do some research: looking at what others write about, the stories they share, and how they write. I have learned that bloggers often write from a personal perspective that allows them to connect directly with their readers. Most bloggers write in a very informal and conversational style. At its heart, blogging is about sharing your knowledge with the world. Choosing a topic that you are passionate about makes the process of starting a successful blog so much easier.

Well, sounds easy enough. So, decision made—I am jumping into new territory here. Yep, it’s scary and unknown. I invite you to come along with me on my new adventure of blogging. I am stepping into the arena and hoping readers will find some value in the stories I share and the things I write about. Come join me, and let us see where this goes…